The Cheapest Way to Get High
Stock photo (Please excuse that click-baitiest of titles. I couldn't help myself.) It's a cold and blustery Wednesday morning. I'm not a fan of cold and a bit worried about the freezing rain forecast for my commute home. I'm writing this post on a small plugged into a narrow space between a stack of tasks I don't really want to do. I'm sitting at my desk smiling my face off. Why? Endorphins, my friend. Endorphins and dopamine! Was I doing drugs? Hell no. I will admit I feel a tiny bit high and have for the past two days. How did I achieve this state of mild nirvana? I exercised. That's it. A half weight training circuit. Thirty minutes of fun in exchange for days of mood stability. It's almost as if people weren't designed to be sedentary. What else has happened since my work out session? Let's see... I'm clearheaded and focused and I get shit done. Partly that's because I have clarity and I can remember what to do. It's in the ...