
Showing posts with the label resolutions

Falling Off the Resolution Wagon and Setting Targets with Research and Math

 And here we all are. The third week of January, and most of us have fallen off the resolutions bandwagon. I certainly did. What happened? Well, a lot of people made resolutions they didn't want to make. They made resolutions based on what everyone else seemed to be doing- public declarations of the intention to lose weight, get out of debt, be more mindful. Those make wonderful, inspiring Instagram posts.  But what if you happen to like chips in front of the TV more than you like the gym? Guess what's going to come out on top? What if you like your daily six dollar latter more than having a credit card balance of zero? Again, you'll find yourself with a latte in hand making a minimum payment on your card. It's basic human nature.  Quit fighting yourself. If exercise is one of the levels of Hell for you and the thought of going to a gym makes you want to curl up in a ball and hide, DON'T GO.         Really. Don't. Forcing yourself to do things you really hate is