Hello and Welcome!

[Warning: this blog will contain foul language. I use the right word for the job.] 

Hey there! 

I'm so happy you've found my little corner of the web. Now that you're here, grab a cup of tea and pull up a spot on the couch. We've got plans to make, and this is important brainstorming my friend. 

We're going to improve our lives.

Yeah, I know. Everybody's promising that these days. 15 Yoga Poses That Will Make You Flexible And Super Rich! Eat These 3 Foods to Achieve Nirvana and Levitate! (I'm exaggerating a little, but you get my point.) 

But I have a system that works. I've been testing it for many years and it's taken me from being a miserable disorganized negative creep to a (mostly!) happy, confident and positive human. I find myself fielding messages from friends looking for advice on the subjects of organization and attitude adjustment, which frankly shocks the hell out of me. I'm going to call myself an expert for no better reason than there's no one to stop me. 

Without further ado, the Pillars of Positive Mental Attitude:

1) Consistency: decide what you want to do, and then schedule time to do it every single day. No exceptions. It doesn't have to be the same time, it just has to be time. 

2) Goal Setting: that thing you want to do is just a daydream until you put limits on it. When will you achieve it? How will you measure success? What steps will you have to take to get there? Answer these questions and you've got yourself a goal.

3) Planning: This blog ain't named Planned Positivity for nothing! Planning is what gives you a path forward and prevents you from falling back. Concrete steps and systems keep you together when the storms come. And let's be realistic, storms happen. Pretending that shit won't go sideways occasionally is a bit delusional. You need to know that no matter what, you can pull yourself up and keep going. 

There you have it. That's the Sparknotes on what this blog will cover. I hope that some of what I write will help you to live a happier life and that you'll share your own ideas with me. We're in this together! 


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