What Have I Done?! aka Biting Off More Than You Can Chew

 I did a thing just now. A silly, silly thing. A scary thing. 

I signed up for the CrossFit Open. It's an annual competition that is the top of the funnel leading to the CrossFit Games. Professional athletes compete in the Open. I've been doing CrossFit for maybe three months. I'm very much not a professional athlete. 

What in hell was I thinking? I don't like having my picture taken, let alone posting videos of myself doing what I forecast will be an endless series of no-reps where millions of seriously fit people can see them. Am I discovering a new, more masochistic side of myself? 

Nah. I'm going to have some fun. I'm not going to win. Heck, I figure the only people I might beat are ones whose friends signed them up as a joke. You know, the ones who won't show up at all. 

But I'll show up, and struggle and probably fail at a lot of the workouts. I haven't got any equipment and no one has any idea what the Covid-specific "we know you're trapped in your house" workouts will be. I'm having visions of straight up burpee as-many-reps-as-possible workouts. (You try doing seven minutes of burpees and see how you feel ninety seconds in!)

That doesn't sound fun. At all. Nope, not a bit. 

So why then? What am I thinking? 

I'm thinking I get to say I was in the CrossFit Open. I get the daily email updates so I'll be certain to catch all the highlights. I'll be showing my support to a community that tries very hard to be the best versions of themselves every day. That's important. Trying counts. And as five time Games Champion Mat Fraser says "Hard work pays off." 

Maybe next year I'll do well. This year I just have to do it. 

photo stolen from coffeeordie.com
