
Showing posts from January, 2022

Fashion Woes

 Outfit planning I am not a fashionista by any stretch of the imagination. The extent of my voluntarywardrobe is jeans, t-shirts and hoodies. I'm not out to impress any one. I wear a lot of band shirts. Comfortable, yes. Appropriate for all situations? Nope.  But I just got a new job and will be required to look very polished and professional. Do I have the mental resources to invent a professional outfit every day of the week when the bald fact is that I hate dressing that way? No, I don't. How am I going to solve this problem? By planning a week's worth of outfits every Sunday. The shirt, the pants, everything, right down to socks and shoes. When I hop out of the shower, it'll all be there, ready to go. By choosing everything and putting it all on one hanger, I remove all the work from the process and I can check if anything needs washing or repair. And now I realize that I'm going to be shopping at my local thrift store this weekend if I plan to continue w